1·Depth of bold designers and masters of the lives of an unprecedented demand for play.
2·A large number of programs under way, materials technology for creating an unprecedented demand.
3·Rising wealth and expectations of happiness are behind unprecedented demand for counselling as well as psychiatric care.
4·IT's promise, and the threat of Y2K generated unprecedented demand for IT services. The IT budget and organization ballooned.
5·That kind of growth is going to create an unprecedented demand for oil, gas, steel, precious metals, water, and other precious resources.
6·But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for underlay action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.
7·But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for undelay ction may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.
8·Ticketmaster's director, Chris Edmonds, said: "we often talk about unprecedented demand, but this week we have witnessed a live entertainment phenomenon."
Ticketmaster的主管Chris Edmonds说,“我们常提到空前的需求,这周我们才算是见证了一个当代娱乐界的‘现象’”。
9·Fundamentally, however, some believe that the unprecedented prices over the past few months may already have done their job, trimming demand and stimulating higher scrap supplies.
10·Yet after an unprecedented boom in the industry, makers of luxury goods are much in demand.